IFOAM EU, BÖLW and Julius Kühn-Institut invite you to participate in the 4th edition of the European Conference on Copper in Plant Protection to share and discuss innovative ways to keep plants in organic and integrated plant protection systems healthy and identify research and farm management options to further reduce the use of copper.
Farmers and growers, scientists, regulators, agricultural advisers and other people working with or on copper in a context of plant protection are more than welcome to contribute to the conference programme. If you wish to do so with an oral or poster presentation (in English only), please send an e-mail including the title of your presentation to mering@boelw.de by 31 August 2019.
A preliminary programme and more information will be published by mid-September. Please book the date in your calendar!
For more information and registration visit www.boelw.de/kupfertagung19.